Common Seller Mistakes to Avoid

Every seller has the same goal: Sell it quickly at the highest price. Here are some common mistakes sellers make that cost them both time on the market and dollars at closing.

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Mistake #1: Setting a Price without Market Data

Don’t ignore the data. The data is there to accurately illustrate what buyers in your market are willing to spend on a house just like yours.


Mistake #2: Limiting Access

If prospective buyers can’t see it, they’re not going to buy it. The more available your property is to be seen, the more likely you’re going to have offers coming in. And this translates into the more money you’ll have a chance at getting at closing.


Mistake #3: Foregoing Easy Improvements

A coat of fresh paint or installing new carpet where needed can go a very long way when a prospective buyer sets foot in your listing. A quick handling of simple repairs can help getting the message across that your home has been well-maintained and is in better shape than the competition down the street.


Want more advice on how to advantageously sell your home?